As we’re now into February, I’ve started to firm up plans for BaseballGB for the coming season.
I’m going to get back into the swing of doing a weekly round-up of British baseball news, with various other features on top. It was my plan to do that last year too and this was scuppered by the BSUK/BBF website issues that resulted in a significant drop-off in fixtures, scores and league tables being published, but hopefully that’s behind us now.
Whilst in previous years I’ve tended to concentrate on longer articles for MLB stories, this season I’m going to be doing a bit more classic blogging. So shorter posts, perhaps, but on a more frequent basis. I’ll also be adding in my Monday ‘MLB Early games’s column, which somewhat went by the wayside in the second half of last season and the guilt felt in receiving several messages and emails seeking it out was balanced out by gratitude that some people cared enough to notice and get in contact!
The one other main change is that I had previously written occasional Oakland A’s columns (‘Thank you for the A’s’) here. These will now switch to my latest venture into the unknown that is our recently launched Oakland A’s UK YouTube channel. If you haven’t seen that yet, the short ‘About the channel’ video is embedded below.
If you’ve got any other ideas of features you’d like to see, or if you’re keen to get involved, let me know in the comments section or by sending me a message using the Get In Contact form.