Category Archives: You Are the Scorer

Test your scoring knowledge with our weekly mid-day Friday feature.

You Are the Scorer: Another query with a video

Thanks to Dave Burke from the Leicester Blue Sox for this question. For the second time on this column, there is a video to go with the question.

First of all, watch this video.

Dave’s question is this… why does the official scorer not charge an error to the shortstop, as it’s pretty clear that a double play would have ordinarily resulted, yet the team made only one out. Continue reading

You Are the Scorer: A forum for baseball scoring questions


Happy New Year to one and all!

You Are the Scorer started out life as a weekly scoring quiz, with a new question appearing every Friday at noon. Once the ideas started to dry up (after 50 questions), I gave the posers a rest and used the weekly post as a thread for queries instead. As it happened, some of the questions I was getting through this were more interesting than the ones I was originally posing. So the You Are the Scorer feature is now going to become more of a forum for baseball scoring questions.

To post a question, please contact me by email if you have my address or using the About > Get in contact functionality of the site if not. I’ll turn the best ones into posts for the site. Continue reading