Support Herts Baseball Club

As you can see from their great website, Herts Baseball Club are one of the leading lights within British baseball.  So much so that they have outgrown their current facilities and have therefore put together some terrific plans to turn their home, Grovehill Park, into “one of the best baseball complexes in the country”. 

What should hit you most about those plans are the proposed little league facilities.  Providing facilities for children to enjoy baseball has got to be a priority of anyone who wants to see baseball grow as a sport within Britain.  It’s hard to overstate just how inspiring good facilities can be, even for adults who have played for years.

We all know that baseball is a long way down the sporting pecking order in Britain and local councils are often reluctant to support the efforts of budding baseball clubs.  In Herts’ case, it appears as though their local council has been very encouraging so far, but you can never have enough support when it comes to planning applications.

So please take a look at Herts’ plans and consider joining BaseballGB in lending your support by signing the petition.

5 thoughts on “Support Herts Baseball Club

  1. Matt Smith Post author

    Hi Chico. The petition doesn’t state that it’s only for UK residents, so I don’t see why not. It asks you to include a postcode which you will know as your zip code, so you might just want to put United States in there. Thanks very much for your support.

  2. Chico

    Herts Baseball Club has an excellent website. I have a better idea of the calibre of the play, but also the playing fields they play on.

  3. Pingback: BaseballGB » Blog Archive » Southern top-tier baseball to expand for only the second time since the 1999 season

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