The third instalment of the British Baseball Pavilion (South East) will take place on the evening of Thursday 12 April, beginning at 6:00pm. This time we head to Ye Olde Mitre Tavern in the Farringdon area of London.
The National Baseball League will be well underway by then, while the other divisions will be gearing up, and so there will be plenty to talk about. One featured topic will be how we can go about improving press coverage for baseball in different areas. The venue is a gem of a pub situated down a sneaky (Labyrinth-style) cut-through between Hatton Garden and Ely Place, within easy access of Farringdon mainline station and Chancery Lane on the underground.
People in any other parts of the country who would like to replicate the idea and begin a second regional chapter can leave a comment below to request more details on how to go about it.