The weekly You Are the Scorer post will be used as a thread for scoring queries for the rest of the year, so please leave a reply below if you have a question or comment.
To hunt through the first 50 You Are the Scorer questions, click here.
The weekly You Are the Scorer post will be used as a thread for scoring queries for the rest of the year, so please leave a reply below if you have a question or comment.
To hunt through the first 50 You Are the Scorer questions, click here.
Joe, I’m think I’ve asked this before but it came up when I was scoring an archived MLB game the other day!
Scenario: there are two outs with a runner on first base. The batter hits a groundball and the runner is forced out at second to end the inning.
Using the IBAF scoring system, do you put anything in the batter’s square for this? Does it go down as an occupied ball, as if the batter was able to reach first (even though he didn’t!)?
Exactly right! While you may have to draw a line to first even though the batter may have not run the thing out, it does help the “left on base” to add up, so that you are able to prove the box score at the end.
So it’s either “O4” (occupied ball by the second baseman) or “O6” (occupied ball by the shortstop) in the box for the batter’s “advancement” to first.
Thanks Joe
I thought the above scenario would be fielders choice?
It is indeed.
In the strange and wonderful world that is the IBAF scoring system, “occupied ball” is one of the types of fielder’s choice.
See page 26 of chapter 3 of the manual: