You Are the Scorer: Number 11


Scenario: In a game that you are scoring, the visting team’s shortstop is involved in three plays during the game. In the first inning the shortstop drops an easy put-out, for which you charge an error. In the third inning, the player is involved in a standard 4-6-3 double-play. In the bottom of the ninth with two out, the player makes up for the earlier error with a spectacular diving catch to end the game.

As the official scorer, what would you calculate for the shortstop’s fielding average from the game?

A – 1/2 = .500.
B – 2/3 = .667.
C – 3/4 = .750.
D – 4/5 = .800.

Highlight the text below to reveal the answer:

 C – 3/4 = .750.

Rule 10.21(d) states:
[To compute] Fielding average, divide the sum of putouts and assists by the sum of putouts, assists and errors (which shall be called chances).

2 thoughts on “You Are the Scorer: Number 11

  1. Charles Earle

    So far as I can see the answer should be .667
    (1 assist + 1 putout) = 2 ÷ (1 error + 1 assist + 1 putout) = 3

    2 ÷ 3 = 0.667

    Or am I missing sonmething?

  2. Joe Gray Post author

    The trick here is that by being involved in the double play, the shortstop picks up a put-out and an assist, so he gets 1 error + 1 assist + 2 put-outs in total.


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