You Are the Scorer: Number 37


Scenario: The game is tied in the bottom half of the last regulation inning, and, with a runner on third, the batter hits a ball that bounces in fair territory and hops over the home-run fence. The ground rules state that the batter is enitled to a double on such a play.

As the official scorer, what do you award the batter with?

A – A single.
B – A double.

Highlight the text below to reveal the answer:

A – A single.

Rule 10.06(f) states:
When a batter ends a game with a safe hit that drives in as many runs as are necessary to put his team in the lead, the official scorer shall credit such batter with only as many bases on his hit as are advanced by the runner who scores the winning run.

Rule 10.06(f) Comment states:
The official scorer shall apply this rule even when the batter is theoretically entitled to more bases because of being awarded an “automatic” extra-base hit under various provisions of Rules 6.09 and 7.05.

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